Tuesday, May 5, 2009

vampire's skull had been found .by v3.

The vampire’s skull was found from the cemetery in Venice. The skull was mentioned as the first vampire that succeeded in being found, referred to the old document.

the Vampire Skull

Matteo Borrini from University of Florence in Italia found the female skull with the fragment of stone in her mouth. The skull which was estimated lived in the middle time was found in the Lazzaretto Nuovo island in Venice.

The death of the woman was caused by the plague that was spread by vampire, not because her blood had being drunk. The grave excavator placed the stone on her mouth so that vampire did not do again, said Borrini.

Borrini presented the discovery in the conference of American Academy of Forensic Sciences in Denver Colorado last week said; it was the first time vampire was researched in a manner forensics. However Peer Moore-Jansen from Wichita State University in Kansas said that he had found the similar skull in Poland.

the question is : is it the real vampire??

well, in my opinion is, NOT, cause vampire will become dust if they are die. or at least, we have to burnt the vampire to completely kill them. we cannot just burried them.

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