Tuesday, May 5, 2009

vampire's skull had been found .by v3.

The vampire’s skull was found from the cemetery in Venice. The skull was mentioned as the first vampire that succeeded in being found, referred to the old document.

the Vampire Skull

Matteo Borrini from University of Florence in Italia found the female skull with the fragment of stone in her mouth. The skull which was estimated lived in the middle time was found in the Lazzaretto Nuovo island in Venice.

The death of the woman was caused by the plague that was spread by vampire, not because her blood had being drunk. The grave excavator placed the stone on her mouth so that vampire did not do again, said Borrini.

Borrini presented the discovery in the conference of American Academy of Forensic Sciences in Denver Colorado last week said; it was the first time vampire was researched in a manner forensics. However Peer Moore-Jansen from Wichita State University in Kansas said that he had found the similar skull in Poland.

the question is : is it the real vampire??

well, in my opinion is, NOT, cause vampire will become dust if they are die. or at least, we have to burnt the vampire to completely kill them. we cannot just burried them.

Monday, May 4, 2009

V3 fav..

Hmm.. i'm not really believe in that rumor which v1 told.. well, as a vampire that have lived for more than 694 years, i'm pretty sure that holy water, al kitab, or something like that can't kill vampires or even harm them.. at least, it didn't give any affect for me..

ima, cause v1 and v2 have told you their fav music, now it's my turn.. (well, i dont want to lose from them)

okay.. here's the list:

1. kanon wakeshima..

Kanon Wakeshima is an adorably cute dark gothic lolita who plays the cello and sings. she's so cute.. her voice sounds mystique and its calm me when i got angry.. ('KAGAMI' song is my fav.)
kanon wakeshima Pictures, Images and Photos

2.yuna ito..
You can't even put words on Yuna Ito's voice. she's so great.. i can listen for her song in every second of the day.. trust me, she's amazing.. (love 'PRECIOUS' the most)
Yuna Ito Pictures, Images and Photos

3.classical music..
well, i'm a bit different from v1 and v2.. they don't like classic, especially v2. i could say, that v2 is hate classic music. but in my opinion, classic music is great. it could make me calm, make my tired gone, and make me feel relax.. (i love 'Debussy and Mozart')

Classical Music Pictures, Images and Photos

well, just make a quick post.. i'll post again as soon as i can.. see ya..

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Vampire-buster says: Vampires are exist, we should kill all of them

Ok, v1 is back to tell the hot news about declaration of vampire-busters to kill all of vampires in the world.
as You know, the italian archaeology has found a cranium of vampire women in east europe.(CMiiW)
there's a brick in her mouth. People believes that a brick can stop the vampire to suck their blood.(CMiiW)
so it means vampires are exist in the past. The question is : vampires are still exist until now, aren't they? This question has answered by vampire-busters on their blog.
They said someday they'll kill all of vampires. They'll use this weapons. [note: I couldn't find they're server and they're article. maybe it has deleted with some reasons. but I'll try to find out more about this.]

[hasn't found yet]
1. Crossbow:
A missile weapon of the middle ages used for it's distance range and ability to pierce armor. The crossbow can hit a target as far away as 150 ft. Buffy put it to good use against Angel and the Master in the first season. Buffy used an older model made of wood which only carries 3 extra bolts (which are made of wood with a metal arrow at one end) but the technology of crossbows has long since become much more advanced. Several other versions have been used since the first season. In the season 3 episode, "The Wish," a smaller, hand-held, metal crossbow was used by the Buffy from an alternate universe.

2. Stake:
A stake is a piece of wood, sharpened at one end to form a point. A stake, used by slayers to kill vampires, is one of the many characteristics that have remained with the folklore of vampires throughout the years. The stake is struck into the heart of a vampire in order to kill it. Buffy uses stakes as her most popular vampire-dispensing weapon. The stake cannot be made of any other material besides wood in order to be effective in slaying. If ever in a bind, and you don't have a stake on you, it can be substituted with any pointed wood objects, such as a pencil, tree branch, or broken piece of wood furniture.

3. Quarterstaff:
[has not found yet]
The staff is usually six feet in length and made of wood. It's a light, two-handed weapon which Buffy uses for training with Giles. Actually, beating up on Giles is more like it. The quarterstaff has been seen armed with arrows or ax blades for more brutal killings. The quarterstaff as it is most commonly known is definitely not a modern weapon but it can sever very useful for training. Also, the training with the quarterstaff can be useful when you must improvise and use something like a broom as a weapon. In the episode, "Lover's Walk" Buffy used a broom to first beat two vampires and then stake them both with it.

4. Holy Water:
Holy Water is another vampire weapon that many disagree upon. Like the cross, some say its effect is based on religion, and others say it's a good/evil thing. Holy water is burns vampires when it comes in contact with them like the cross. It can be a very useful weapon when needed. However, it can't kill unless it's used in a large amount. Holy water can be any water that has been blessed by a priest.

You can believe or not believe with this news.
(but I think we can get along together with vampire if they're exist. they're ex-human.)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

v1 posted

please notes:
This posting contains element of violence.
Kids are not allowed!


ok, I will share about DEATHMETAL--it's fuckin' metal dude!. yeah hell rocks!Death Metal Pictures, Images and Photos
what's deathmetal?

death metal Pictures, Images and Photos
--Death metal is an extreme subgenre of heavy metal. It typically employs fast tempos, heavily distorted guitars, deep growling vocals, blast beat drumming, and complex song structures with multiple tempo changes.
[It means when you hear deathmetal's songs, it may causes your ears damaged. so my advice is always use speaker to hear it, not earphone.]

death metal florda Pictures, Images and Photos
--Building off the speed and complexity of thrash metal, death metal emerged during the mid 1980s.(particularly Florida)
[inspired by thrash metal acts like Slayer and Kreator and early black metal acts like Celtic Frost. Along with the band Death and its frontman Chuck Schuldiner (who is often hailed as "the father of death metal")]

infester Pictures, Images and Photos
--Death metal is considered an "underground" form of music, and has been met with considerable hostility from mainstream culture, mainly because of the socially unattractive themes, imagery and stage personae surrounding many bands.
[Subgenres : Brutal death metalMelodic death metalTechnical/Progressive death metal]

Necro Pictures, Images and Photos
--Death metal vocals are often guttural roars, grunts, snarls, and low gurgles colloquially called death grunts or death growls. This vocal style is sometimes referred to as Cookie Monster vocals, tongue-in-cheek, because of the similarity with the popular Sesame Street character of the same name.
[Ex ; Metallica, Avenged sevenfold(punkrock), GACKT, gazette, Atreyu(punkrock)]

>>Fusion genres
Blackened death metalDeath/doomDeathcoreGoregrindDeath 'n' roll

>>Regional scenes
Florida − New York – SwedenUnited KingdomBrazil Japan – Poland

~P.S : (for pics)
death metal Pictures, Images and Photos
Avenged Sevenfold Pictures, Images and Photos

*update later*

regards, V1

Friday, March 27, 2009


hei all.. whatcha doing?

just a quick post..
i'm v2.. missing me, huh??

i wanna share some cool band (japanese of course).. you have to listen it.. and don't forget to give me some comments.. here they are..

  • vamps [it sounds a little bit hardrock, but as it named, vamps is really sugoii!!]
  • l'arc-en-ciel [damn cool]
  • kanon wakeshima [classic, v1&v3 also love this]
  • aural vampire [hmm,sounds like techno, right??i'm not sure,hehe]
  • hyde [rock, he is the vocalist of vamps&l'arc-en-ciel]
  • perfume [pop-techno, i love their dance, hahahha...]

♣ ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ ♥

ah,i want to tell you a little about my life.. i have a boyfriend, his name is usui-kun (fake name).. he live in japan at the moment.. we are having a long distance relationship.. he's a bassist in a rock band and i love him so much.. so does he... ^^

i have an older brother named fai-kun (also a fake name).. he's also a pureblood vamp.. he love me, it's a 'lover' love, not a 'brother-sister' love.. i love him too,but it's not the same as him..

fai-san often goes to somewhere far (i don't know where he goes)..he always tell me if he want to go there, but of course i always worried for him..

just the same as now, he isn't home yet since 2 months ago.. it's a bit strange.. until now, the longest trip just took 1 month..i wonder..what is he doing?

i love fai-san's blood..since he's also a purebloodvamp..it's so tasty...hmm...

usui-kun and me are got in touch via email, handphone, and webcam..

uh oh..it's the time for him to call me..

catch you later..bye...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Myths and Facts

[ v3’s post ]

Hmm.. Sorry for the ‘Day Without My post’.

Then, here’s v3 again! Miss me huh? Haha. From now, I’ll try to post as often as I can. My target is : I have to post at least one posting in a week. But I think it could be hard, cause I’m too busy with invent another medicine for vampire. Now, I’m working to invent medicine that can make the temperature of vampire’s skin still warm, not cold as usual. The progress is quite good, 20 % more the medicine will be ready (maybe it will take about 2 weeks). Huah! That’s too long! I can’t wait!

Well, then this is the real topic.. I wanna tell ya all (so you won’t confuse again) about Myths and facts about vampire. I wrote this based on my own experience and research ( I took a long, fantastic, and fun journey to get these myths and facts, but for a few seconds I feel so bored. I feel so bored cause.. Hmm.. Wait.. Cotto.. Argh! I don’t know! I don’t know why I feel so bored those seconds! Well, I know that’s weird, but that’s a real.)

Huh. Back to our topic..


I’m sure you have already known some of them, but the other, I bet you all haven’t known it yet! So.. Read it carefully.. And don’t forget to give me comment.. haha

Righty then, here are the list..


Wait! You want the myths or the facts first? Yeah! I’m so lucky I can read people mind. I know you want the facts first, don’t you? Khukhukhu

Okey dokey, here it is..

The Facts

1. There are 3 kinds of vampire :

a. Vampire who drink blood (most of vampire are this type)
i. Pureblood vampire (they born from old and great vampire family. Pure blood vampire can change people to vampire- non-pureblood vampire. Usually, this kind of vampire are friendly and warm, but not all of them)
ii.Non-pureblood vampire (they are changed by pureblood vampire. They like to being alone and love dark and cold)

b. Vampire who take people’s energy ( it’s so rare)
c. Vampire who take people’s happiness (in this world, there are only 15 vampire in this type)
d. Vampire who can use magic (it called VampsWitch. Until now, there are only 3-5 vampire in this type)


2. Vampires need no sleep. (some people tell that vampire live in a coffin, but that just a legend)


3. Not all vampire have cold skin, pureblood vampire has warm skin.

The Myths

1. Vampire can turn into bat. (well, it’s just a myths of course. Bat is only as a vampire’s pet.)

2. Vampires only drink blood to keep their existence. (Like I said before, there are vampires who take people’s energy or happiness, vampire in this kind, needs no blood to keep their existence they only need energy and happiness.)

3. All of vampire isn’t friendly (chigaimasu! That’s wrong. Some of Pureblood V is very friendly, they just like human.)

4. Vampire can’t go out at the day. (huah! It’s just a legend!)

Well, these are the facts and myths. Hope it can help you out of your ‘confusing world’.

Jaa ne .. I’ll smell your blood later! (If you miss me, just use telepathy.. hahahaah)


Monday, January 19, 2009

history of Vampire

[v1 has been wrotten]

vampire Pictures, Images and Photos


Vampire myths and legends go back hundreds, and thousands of years. They occur in almost every culture. The different types are many, although the vampires we are familiar with today, are mainly based on Eastern European myths.

The modern concept of a vampire retains many of the original traits from the East European stories. Traits such as drinking blood, preying on humans, only coming our at night, rising from the dead. Other aspects of the Vampire, such as Goth type clothing, cloaks, turning in to bats etc are much newer innovations.

Other features of some of the old myths are now all but gone, such as sprinkling salt, or seeds over the Vampire in order to keep them counting all night, rather than preying on human blood.

Romanian Vampire Mythology
This place is in the center of many Slavic countries, and there mythology, stories, and legends are similar to the Slavic Vampire. There are several different types of Romanian Vampire, and several different ways to become one....

There were witches, they turned in to Vampires after there death. Reanimated corpses that suck the blood of livestock, and humans. Anyone born out of wedlock, died an unnatural death, or died before being baptised was destined to become a Vampire. The Seventh sone of a seventh son, or seventh daughter of a seventh daughter would be a Vampire, as would naturally, being bitten by a Vampire.

The presence of a Vampire was usually noticed when a human, or some livestock were attacked. They were thought to be most active on the Eve of ST Georges Day (4th May).

In order to check for Vampirism, graves were often opened three, five and seven years after a persons death. The ways of destroying a Vampire were similar to those of the Slovacs. These included staking through the body and decapitation. Dismembering the body and burning.

Vampire Symbol Pictures, Images and Photos

Bats and Vampires

Bats are currently very popular in Vampire legend and culture, but this was not always the case. There are many myths about bats themselves, most likely because they come out and hunt at night, and some of them do feast on the blood of livestock. This puts them alongside Vampires in feeding habits, so it isn't very difficult to see how the two became intertwined. Stoker was the one that eventually cemented the link between bats and Vampires in the mind of the general population.

Vampyre Statue Bat Pictures, Images and Photos

Vampire beliefs in the world today

There are many places in the world where people still believe in Vampires to this day. Many of the modern day believers have been greatly influenced by the depiction of Vampires in film and fiction. The was a Vampire scare in London as recently as 1970 where Vampire hunters flocked to see what they could do. During 2002 and 2003 there were a number of alleged Vampire attacks carried out in Malawi. This created mass hysteria in the population and several people were killed while looking for the Vampire. In Romania in 2004 several people believed that one of there relatives had turned in to a vampire. They dug up his body, ripped out the heart, burned it, mixed it with water and drank it.
bloody girl Pictures, Images and Photos